Vision, Objective and Guidelines

General Singh’s vision for the schools, is to provide a sound academic foundation, develop the personality of rural children, and empower them through ability to communicate in English.
The School was set up in 2007, with the objective of empowering rural children through quality primary education, so that they can secure admission to English medium schools and compete with urban children.
The guidelines laid down by General “Jimmy” Singh for developing the Primary school model were based on the following five mantras:
Firstly; he desired to change the current image of rural schools and create infrastructure comparable with good urban schools, at affordable cost by persuading the local community to provide land for developing infrastructure
Secondly; he wanted to evolve an innovative and creative curriculum. He was convinced that what we teach must not be just knowledge, but should lead to preparing the young for gainful employment.
Thirdly; he was keen to evolve activity-based teaching methodology and was determined to employ local community members as teachers, after empowering them, through in-house training. The idea was to create our own teaching staff, which could carry forward our vision of a rural school of the future.
Fourthly; he aimed to create harmonious learning conditions, by adopting caring policies for children, teachers, and the community.
Fifthly; he set out to evolve innovative philanthropic funding methods for grant of scholarships to enable quality education for local children.
The objectives and guidelines for the school have been achieved. The school has set high standards, to justify its aspirations as a model rural primary school.
The School has a capacity of 140 children in 8 classes.. The per class capacity continues to be restricted to 20-25 children. This has ensured quality learning.
The teaching staff of 13, is backed by 02 care takers cum gardeners. The teacher to children ratio is 1:11, and adult to children ration is 1:9. All staff members are from the local community and have been empowered by in–house training to become achievers.
Learning ambience
The founder visualized, school infrastructure set in nature, resembling a village cluster. The buildings were required to be built with local material, by local craftsmen. The idea was to create an apt setting for happy learning, provide employment to the community and also demonstrate what a rural primary school should be like
Looking back
Looking back
2007 Nursery Class started in February with 17 children. Due to community demand Lower Kindergarten class with 30 children was added in April.
2008 The Upper Kindergarten was started.
2010 Primary class 1 and 2 were started.
2011 Primary Class 3 was started.
2012 Primary class 4 was started. First batch of 13 students passed out of the school in Dec 2012
2017 Pre- Nursery play class was started
The buildings are in local stone and timber. The layout is scattered on terraces at different levels, blending with the local village and countryside.
We have set high standards for class room ambiance, and our class rooms can now serve as a model for a rural school. The overall ambience has contributed towards kindling the desire to attend school. We hope to act as catalyst in improving the ambience of the rural schools