
In teaching mathematics, we have focused on findings the means to make children shed the fear of mathematics and start enjoying the subject. We believe that Children learn mathematics best by doing practical activities and then understanding the logic through discussion, and practical application. To facilitate this approach, the school continues to build a collection of learning tools, to use for activities-based mathematics.
In the nursery class children learn numbers by using counting beads, numbers ladder, and counting natural objects, such as pebbles, leaves, twigs; when they go out on nature walks. Counting games, songs and rhymes are utilized to make mathematics interesting.

In the Lower KG class children are introduced to the Ganit Mala - a device developed by Jodo gyan, The Ganit Mala comprises a string of 100 large beads, with number markers which can hang from it. Children learn how the numbers to 100 fit on to this and can use it for finding which are greater and smaller. It is also useful for addition, subtraction multiplication and learning times tables. The Ganit mala is used in the primary classes as well.
A balance complete with weights, is used for practical lessons on weighing.

For measurement apart from the conventional metric tape, we use a trundle wheel which is used to measure any large distances on the ground, such as a football field.

Flat and solid shape blocks are available for better understanding as children handle and manipulate the three-dimensional blocks.
Dienes Blocks (of Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones) are used to make the learning of Place Value easy and fun.
Attribute blocks are used to teach how to sort by size, shape, thickness and colour, and fit on to Venn and Carroll diagrams. Puzzles and activity games help to develop logical thinking skills.
A teacher’s hand book has been printed by our research and training cell. The book includes our accumulated knowledge of making mathematics fun to learn.