Assessment System
Our periodic assessment is divided under two heads. These are Academic skills (Overall value 73 %) and Personality development (Overall value 27 %). Academic skills comprise English, Mathematics, Environment, Computers, Creative, and local language. For assessing personality development, we first identified the physical and character traits which should be developed and devised a syllabus which helps in improving these positive traits, by providing the knowledge and training to build self-confidence, self-esteem and self-efficacy. Subjects which contribute towards personality development are Experiential learning, physical development, nature walk, and value education. Teachers strive to strengthen positive personal traits.
Tests based on text book recall, have been eliminated, and many voice responses and activity- based assessment methods have been introduced.
The assessment system has been devised covering a host of activities to devise an objective matrix. We have raised the bar for assessment goals, which have been fixed at 50 %. In the 2018 academic year, all children scored more than 50 % . 23.9 % scored between 51 and 70 %, 71 % scored between 71-90 %, and 4.9 % scored more than 90 %.